When my wife returned home from the store with a jug of organic eggnog I realized it’s That time of year. The pumpkin spice creamer had just flavored its final coffee of the season and our taste buds start looking to Wintry seasonal flavors like eggnog.
This was no ordinary eggnog though, this was Kalona Organic Eggnog that my wife picked up from Mom’s Organic Market in Baltimore. It looks like regular eggnog but if you look closely, you will see the difference. First, I took a look at the ingredients to see what makes the difference, all organic and all-natural ingredients and spices. The spices are visible in the jug and they settle at the bottom of the jug when in the fridge, so you have to shake it up before you pour it into a glass. The ingredients for this organic eggnog were sourced from a small Amish and Mennonite farming community according to the label. I thought this would be a good product for a Snack and Sauce review.

Kalona is a city in Iowa, and Kalona Super Natural Beyond Organic Eggnog is made by Kalona Creamery which is a member of a family of Iowa entrepreneurial companies in Iowa called Open Gates Group. It appears Open Gates Group concentrates on bringing small local farms and producers together to distribute their products throughout Iowa.

So let’s get to the taste test. The expiration date on this bottle of eggnog is before Thanksgiving, this is most likely because of the organic ingredients and lack of the typical preservatives, I can pronounce everything on the ingredients list which I like. It pours thick into the glass and smells fresh and rich with dairy goodness. It smells “eggnoggy” but also clean. You can see the spices in the eggnog, see the pic below.

I took a sip and it had a good creamy mouthfeel and a solid eggnog taste. It tastes natural and refreshing. You can also feel the spices in the eggnog in your mouth and taste them. Mass-produced eggnogs with stabilizers and preservatives in them literally leave a bad taste in my mouth after finishing them, the Kalona Organic Eggnog does not. This eggnog is made with high-quality ingredients and you can tell. I thought Kalona would be great eggnog to use in your favorite Christmas and holiday recipes, so I linked to a couple of eggnog recipes on the Kalona Dairy site below. If you have tried Kalona organic eggnog, let me know what you think in the comments.
Okay, this is an update, I had a second glass of eggnog today, I was not feeling too well when I tasted it the first time (not today). The flavor was much more pronounced and more clear than the first time I tasted it. I can see how this will disappear from our refrigerator quickly. Do yourself a favor and get some Kalona Organic Eggnog and you will not but any of the massed produced brands again. If you can’t find Kalona, get a locally produced organic brand a thank me later.
Other stuff to check out:
Kalona Dairy has some good looking recipes that you can use their eggnog in on their website, a few of interest are Eggnog Cinnamon Rolls, Eggnog Cupcakes, and an Eggnog Bundt Cake.
If you want to use the store locator and see where you can get your own bottle of Kalona Organic Eggnog, click here.
Thanks for reading and make sure to check Snack and Sauce out on your favorite social media platform to not miss any of the fun and food reviews.
Thank you for the review. The eggnog just hit the stores in Baltimore and so appreciate you taking the time to let your readers know about it.
This is the absolute BEST eggnog ever! The person who started the Kalona Supernatural brand is a good friend of ours and we even got to be in on the tasting when he was developing this!